This sickly sweet wrapped treat is available in abundance around Buenos Aires and in its basic form is two large cookies that have been sandwiched together with a generous portion of dulce de leche (which deserves a whole other blog entry itself!) The dulce de leche contributes to the cookies becoming more cake-like in texture, making it easy to slither down your throat! This sweet sandwich is then coated in chocolate and voila! It's quite simply AMAZING!
Someone the other day told me that their Uncle, prior to their visit, had told them to stay away from Alfajores (pronounced alpha-whore-ez, but roll the 'r' a little). Make no mistake, this is good advice as after your first one, you may become hooked and the effect might be the expense of a new wardrobe to suit your new larger waistline.
Lets set aside the negatives and imagine we do all have built in 'control yourself' buttons : )
There are sooooooo many different brands that alfajores are a category of food in themselves... Chocolate bars, biscuits, crisps, alfajores... I've not worked my way through them all and doubt I will. Many people said to me that the Havana brand is a classic must to try, so I did. Havana is a chocolate shop with chains around BA. You can sit in and have a drink and a sweet treat. It's a more sophisticated way of eating an Alfa' but I'm not sure if they are more superior to other brands. They all taste bloody good to me.
I also don't feel very sophisticated when eating an alfajor- I feel more ashamed! Ha ha!
Like I said, you have your uniform classic, but there are others that aren't coated in chocolate, ones where the dulce is dipped in desiccated coconut, the alfa' is coated in a thin meringue, the dulce is chocolate flavoured, the dulce is coffee flavoured, there's an extra layer of dulce and an extra cookie. Do you see where I'm going here?