Escuela Argnetina De Tango is at the top of a shopping centre, under a ballet school and there are always different art exhibitions displayed as I walk through the industrial space next to my class. It's wonderful - I go for a class and get to see some art when I leave... I saw this the other day and it made me smile : )
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'Comme Il Faut' - QUITE!
This week I ventured to 'Comme Il Faut', the most famous and well known brand of tango shoes, for ladies. I'd heard so much about 'the experience' that I would have at their premises and actually went for 'the experience' rather than with an intention to buy. I knew full well that my feet were more 'ugly big sister' than 'Cinderella' to slip easily into, what I believe to be, some of the narrower shoes that are on offer to Tangueras.
Most people follow the tourist trail when they arrive in a new city and this is what exposes them to different parts of the city. As I knew that my stay would be a long one I decided to visit tourist spots gradually and instead, for the initial part of my stay, I would dive into the tango scene with full speed ahead - a lady on a mission! One of my first intentions was to purchase a pair of tango shoes! I knew full well that I would be purchasing more than one pair while here so it was important to find the designs that suited my feet best. In London I mentioned to a fellow tanguera that I was fed up with my shoes. She told me very sternly:
"As soon as you get there you buy shoes! The first thing you do after you drop off your luggage is find the shoe shops and GO BUY SHOES!"So I was told!
When I arrived here Winter and Spring were vying for attention and a lot of my September days were spent under a hefty umbrella, fighting off the stiff winds. Despite this, I made an effort to trench around the tango shoe shop trail in search for the perfect match! Many stores are located downtown, with a few dotted around other barrios in the city.
I must have visited about 10 to 15 stores by now and fell in love when I walked into GRETA FLORA in Palermo... But more about that later!
Entering Comme Il Faut's premises feels rather like stepping up in the social/wealth ladder. Coming from the dirty streets into this luxurious setting is a real treat and I was soon to discover that it was rather like a sweet shop for ladies!
The room was pink and purple. Past the till was a square section that was clearly where we were headed. Deep black thick carpet lay underneath velvet and gold regal couches with an ENORMOUS mirror against one wall that was framed with a thick gold.... There were 1950's style shoe boxes around the room and around six shoe models on display. On the opposite wall to the mirror hung an enormous print of the back of a ladies shoe. As I looked that way I noticed lots of other cute shoe kitsch bits. Their telephone was a baby pink stiletto. The toe was the part that you speak into and the heel was for the ear piece. There was a card holder with a stiletto at the bottom. On the right wall was a framed display of media cuttings and collection shots giving a glimpse into the success story that is 'Comme Il Faut'.
A shop assistant approached me and I told her what size I was and what type of shoe / colour I'd be interested in seeing. The idea was to give her as much information as possible so that she could go into the store cupboard and bring out your 'dream shoe'! I was very flexible with what they brought out as I knew that their shoes weren't going to fit me well - or so I'd thought...
So, no shoes on display, this is the process... You don't know what you are going to get. I imagine it's rather like Christmas for a child! Except the child doesn't have to pay for the present if he/she likes and wants to keep it.
And so here they came... Boxes and boxes and boxes and boxes. There were shiny ones, glitter ones, ones with big bows, ones with cuffs on the back, loud prints, understated chic classics. I tried on, I mean I squeezed on, pair after pair. Even though the foot didn't feel great, 'God' they looked good on and made my legs look bloody fantastic! The effect a stiletto has on your lower leg is really remarkable! Especially 8cm and up. That angle of plantar flexion together with the muscle definition created in the calf just screams 'SEX'!
And then the lady brought out a pair of shoes that immediately said 'I'm pretty but you won't be able to dance in me'. They had a thin strap black toe with multicolour floral design. The heel was around 8/8.5 cm and was 'sex red' painted leather. To finish off the shoe there was a very VERY thin metallic red leather strap. In short - no ankle support but bloody BLOODY stunning! They also felt remarkably comfortable.
Surrounded by boxes I smiled at the shop assistants and indicated that none of them were right for me. I was curious though about their non dancing shoe collection as I'd heard that the designer makes shoes for non tango dancers too. On enquiring an assistant explained to me that there was no such thing...
"If you place your foot well you can wear these shoes anywhere... South American women are very poor and they could never afford more than one pair of shoes..."
The shoes are designed with the ethos that a woman wears one pair of shoes to dine in and then takes herself to a milonga in the same pair, after dinner. Hmmm - I wasn't so sure as I'd heard different things from cobblers in London.
At this point I noticed that the other assistant had taken all the shoes back into the store cupboard, apart from one pair - the red and black ones! They lay on my left and I wondered if the assistant saw my gaze of infatuation and decided to leave them there to tempt me. Either way, the shoes were sitting their screaming 'BUY ME', 'BUY ME', BUUUUUUUUUUUUUY MEEEEEEEEEE!
Now that I was armed with the knowledge that I could wear them for occasions other than dancing I was having a serious Carrie Bradshaw moment!
Now that I was armed with the knowledge that I could wear them for occasions other than dancing I was having a serious Carrie Bradshaw moment!
...I was strong! There was NO WAY I was gonna walk out of Comme Il Faut with a pair of shoes that I couldn't dance in. Especially as I have a huge intention to buy as many dance shoes as possible while here. I want my pesos to be well spent. I left empty handed but know I will return to this fun shop of shoe candy.
Comme Il Faut is French for 'The Way it Should be' and I can't think of a more appropriate sentiment to owe to this experience.
Ladies, I don't care if you dance or not - Go to Comme Il Faut if you ever hit BA, for 'the experience'!
Ladies, I don't care if you dance or not - Go to Comme Il Faut if you ever hit BA, for 'the experience'!
Staying in on a Sunday night
Such a lovely little weekly event to have the option of attending with no need to commit! On Sunday I went to an address that had been given to me by some tangueros at Tango Cool, Villa Malcolm (a Friday night milonga I'm growing to like lots!) I was told that it was someones apartment and they '...have a class and eat and dance' - it all sounded interesting and different. The people I was chatting to were also fun, so I made a plan to go...
To the left of the same room was the open plan kitchen with a table in the centre. Around four people were sat chatting. Most of the company did not speak English which gave me a great opportunity to practise my Spanish in a relaxed natural environment.
Prior to my arrival the owner of the apartment, Bettina, gave a tango class which has a fee attached. She does this every week. If you arrive after the class it's just a 'free for all' friendly occasion.
More people arrived and the energy in the room became even happier and chattier! I was so pleased to be around such a friendly tango bunch as there's lots of exclusivity out there. Slowly I am finding my way and once you've found the settings that suit you, the tango experience in BA becomes much more bearable - actually blissful!
Later on food was ordered and wine was drunk. I really couldn't believe how lovely this environment was and the only incentive for the owner (other than the class earnings beforehand) was the joy of hosting somewhere for people to dance and socialise. It really has inspired me to re think my carpet obsession. If I ever own I'd like to recreate this same sort of setting once a week / month for local friendly tangueros to swan in at their own leisure!
I called it a night there at 1am but ended up scurrying off to another tango club at 3am which was a rather average experience in comparison.
I intend to return every week to Bolivar and have promised to make cheesecake for the group soon!
Dancing with a Contrabajor
Milongueros, if you get the opportunity to dance with a musician, do it! The other night I was fortunate to dance with one. Luigi is an Italian who has lived in Buenos Aires for 4 years or so. He took up dancing tango for the purpose of understanding the music better so that he could improve himself as a musician - he plays the contrabajor (double bass) in a tango band in Buenos Aires.
I spoke to Luigi about the difference between dancing with someone that can really indulge in the musicality of a tune. It's so different dancing to the beat and then dancing to the individual instruments! His dancing and the moves that he shared with me were all pretty standard but his understanding of the music was what made our dances come alive.
When you dance a tango most leaders lead by dancing to the beat which is the underlying bass of the track being played. Many leaders play or allow their follower to play with the music, respecting its breaks and tempo changes. Very few leaders have the essence of musicality running through their veins. Those that do have the ability to follow individual rhythms within a tango, individual instruments producing different sounds and moods. Musicians have this ability. They have an ear for the conversation that the instruments are having with each other. It seems to be almost like a sixth sense.
I remember not too long ago at The Dome in London, a teaching pair had a disagreement in front of their crowded class. One said,
'...of course you won't be able to pick up musicality straight away but once you have heard many of the tango songs you will get to know the music and you will be able to dance with better musicality'.
The other then interrupted and said,
'no, I don't agree, you don't need to know the music or what you are dancing to'.
I personally think that the the former is more true, especially if I'm talking about myself, but I have a feeling that the latter is true for a very gifted few.
And then it's not just about having musicality and understanding, it's about allowing your follower time to play with the music. Those that dance will understand this but for those that don't, tango is a conversation. The man doesn't just tell the woman to do something and she does it. The man tells the woman something and she responds. Sometimes the woman keeps things simple and sometimes things get more complicated (much like normal conversation between a man and a woman I suppose!)
Luigi and I had very nice conversations on the dance floor. As well as being a nice person with good musicality he is very happy to listen to the woman, unlike some men who just want to control the conversation for an entire song.
I'm looking forward to our next dance : )
Buenos Aires are you trying to kill me!?
In my opinion the pastries here are better than the French do them! Oooooooooooh the debate that will follow! Seriously, they are a force to be reckoned with and a problematic 50 pence, if you are converting your pesos to pounds, which I did at the start of my stay. It's easy to say, I'll have that one and that one................
and that one and that one. It's also easy to say, I'll have that one, pay, leave, eat that pastry on the street, stroll into another panaderia a mere block a way, drop in and buy another one! A friend of mine told me she walked an entire quad of a block the other day and popped into 4 panaderias! I reassured her that she wasn't alone and I too can act this compulsive sometimes - we then went on to confirm by comparison that we were both 'normal', rather than 'compulsive' :D
Fortunately I think it's just a novelty obsession as my consumption has gone down since I got here and I now only have a few pastry binge days as opposed to everyday being pastry binge day!
There's so much choice in the Panaderias just go get what takes your fancy, I very much doubt there is a dud buy. My favourites is the one with the yellow custardy cream - Ahhhhhhhhhh, heaven!
Unusual gym medical check ups: bikini line inspections!
The other day when I joined a sports club, I was so excited I was having heart palpitations! Normally I'm all about a balanced lifestyle but as I'm new to the city I just went hell for leather and spent 5 weeks stuffing myself on Buenos Aires' finest stodge (pastries!) After 5 weeks of mucho stodgo and nada nadar my body has been feeling, well, stodgo!
The search for a 'drop in' swimming pool has not been easy. I think I must be labelled as 'the girl who just wants to swim (for crying out loud)' or 'the girl who is obsessed with finding a swimming pool'. I have been asking everyone since I arrived, where? where? where?
In the end, I had to join a Club Deportivo (Sports club) for access and since my first couple of swims I have realised the worth of this investment - for my sanity. There's nothing like being in a different medium all together when you live in this hectic a city!
For someone that's unsure of the length of their stay and just wants to pay monthly without a hefty registration fee, Megalton seems like a good option. There are four different price plans and the more you pay the more gyms you have access to around the city. The higher the price plan the more branches you have access to and the nicer the gyms.
I went for the rock bottom price plan knowing that all I would need was a 25 metre pool to get my fix.
After much research I understood that you can't use a gym / swimming pool in Buenos Aires without having a medical check up first. I've also heard that this is quite common in Latin America.
While in London, they get you to fill in and sign a yes/no form, here it's a little more thorough.
So, I've registered... I get escorted to the changing rooms where, in an adjoining room a doctor sits. The doctor doesn't look like a doctor, just an argentine bloke with a white doctors shirt on. The room looks more like a cleaners cupboard than a room that someone should be based in for work. It's small with no windows and sandwiched between the male and female changing rooms and the swimming pool - a nice healthy environment! The lighting in the room is the type you'd expect to find in a garage.
I sat down and quickly established that he spoke absolutely no English - great! So he gives me a form to fill in with all the yes/no questions - in Spanish. I pretty much know that my answers are 'no' on forms like this in English so, I shrug my shoulders and circle the 'no's'. On the back of the form is a large chunk of text that looks pretty official (also in Spanish), followed by a section for you to sign. I laughed and signed my life away! Right, 'can I swim now?' I thought.
I sat down and quickly established that he spoke absolutely no English - great! So he gives me a form to fill in with all the yes/no questions - in Spanish. I pretty much know that my answers are 'no' on forms like this in English so, I shrug my shoulders and circle the 'no's'. On the back of the form is a large chunk of text that looks pretty official (also in Spanish), followed by a section for you to sign. I laughed and signed my life away! Right, 'can I swim now?' I thought.
The argentine bloke then uses hand and arm gestures to indicate that I need to take off my t-shirt so I do. So, I'm in a room with no chaperone or windows with an argentinian bloke taking my clothes off. He then gestures for me to lie down on the broken leather plinth.
He then patted several parts of my body with alcohol. As he did this I kept thinking to myself, these are very random areas - There didn't seem to be a pattern left to right. I was quite confused about what he was checking and thought, why don't you just check my blood pressure and heart rate and be done with it - I could see he had the appropriate equipment in the room to do this.
When I walked in the room originally I saw a set of wires and wooden balls sprawled on the plinth and thought nothing of it, except that it was a rather ancient 1930's looking piece of equipment. I didn't actually think that it was a diagnostic piece of equipment. Lying there he began to attach this 'thing' to me, clipping it to several parts of my body. Around my ankles, under my bra, on one arm, around one knee. I looked up at him and actually thought for a moment this was it, you are the last person I'm ever going to look at! They sign people up for the lowest price plan and think 'let's electrocute the tight bastards!'
He flicked a switch and a machine started clicking and printing out a reading - phew, i was still alive! I asked him 'normales?' and he said 'no' with a straight face. I think this was his way of telling a joke as I passed my medical. He then did a couple of more familiar tests on me and that was it!
Two days later I met my friend Lia who had joined the same gym chain on a higher price plan. We exchanged stories about the medical and I realised how likely I had got off. It turns out she had to do all sorts of bizarre things like, spread her toes, show part of her bikini line and flick her hair upside down. These checks meant that at one point she was actually in the room with her argentine guy (SORRY, sorry, I mean 'Doctor') trousers down, top off and bent over. I'm not sure why paying a higher price plan means that you get a more thorough medical!
Anyway, the security of knowing I am highly unlikely to catch athletes foot, crabs or lice has made me a happy member! : )
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