In my opinion the pastries here are better than the French do them! Oooooooooooh the debate that will follow! Seriously, they are a force to be reckoned with and a problematic 50 pence, if you are converting your pesos to pounds, which I did at the start of my stay. It's easy to say, I'll have that one and that one................
and that one and that one. It's also easy to say, I'll have that one, pay, leave, eat that pastry on the street, stroll into another panaderia a mere block a way, drop in and buy another one! A friend of mine told me she walked an entire quad of a block the other day and popped into 4 panaderias! I reassured her that she wasn't alone and I too can act this compulsive sometimes - we then went on to confirm by comparison that we were both 'normal', rather than 'compulsive' :D
Fortunately I think it's just a novelty obsession as my consumption has gone down since I got here and I now only have a few pastry binge days as opposed to everyday being pastry binge day!
There's so much choice in the Panaderias just go get what takes your fancy, I very much doubt there is a dud buy. My favourites is the one with the yellow custardy cream - Ahhhhhhhhhh, heaven!