
Here in the About section you will find a guide to the blog. It will tell you what this blog is about. All the pages, including this one, will be altered and content will be added so please re visit pages to find out what's new! This is an ever evolving blog. 

Alfajores y Stiletos are representations of two of lifes pathes I succumb to and they happen to be prominent in the South American city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, where I currently reside. The Alfajores represents everything sweet about the city and the Stiletos represent the soul of the city - the tango!

In this blog you will find the following:

Home page is the heart of the blog where I will post accounts of my experiences. Content will consist of text, photos and video. Here lies the sights and sounds that portray an up to date description of what's going on now in Buenos Aires. This is a personal account and many that settle or visit this city may agree or disagree with some opinions. Sometimes I'll be light hearted and sometimes I imagine I will rant about annoyances but it will all be good fun! I hope you enjoy what you read and find it entertaining, if not useful!

The Quotes page transcribes things I hear or read that won't make an entire blog entry but certainly deserve to be heard.  The quotes, for me are posted because they are entertaining, interesting or useful.